Thinking back to the nerdy days, i once more change my ways, to think up some rhymes, even though i'm not getting paid even dimes.
*WARNING* the following lines are written by an extremely un-skilled person, and they're only purpose is to bring you lols. *WARNING*
anyways, yesterday me and raffeh started rhyming random things, so i thought i'd rhyme even more.
This is a short thing i made up for raffeh.
"I'll do you up you'r ass in a bit,
But make sure you first take a shit,
I wouldn't want my machine in brown dip,
And you, Setting it on your lip,
You'd have a rather funny taste,
So take a shit with haste."
Something i made for cal, he wanted me to make an offensive poem about raffeh.
"Raffeh, For a new voice You should shop,
Because it's far worse then a missile drop.
You're young and extremely dumb,
And You'r lips are still numb,
From when they kissed Cal's ass,
because you fail at playing bass."
And here's a totally random one i got whilre talking to Raffeh.
"when i lose my mind,
i think of my shoe,
it's oh so blue,
and so very cute,
they are like boots,
and are stuck with roots,
when i try to jump,
then into them i bump,
then take a dump,
a brick out i pump,
then i try to jump again,
and then break my brain,
it's in huge pain,
no speed i gained,
feel's like i'd be chained,
then to the ground i fall,
then my mother calls,
i cry as a baby to her,
her words make my eyes blur,
seems i'm falling in love ,
then off fall my gloves,
i start to jack off,
then up comes a cough,
i continue my play,
without anything else to say,
i jizz over myself,
then i see an elf,
to him i say hello,
but he seems so yellow,
he comes closer to me,
then my eyes opened so i can see,
it's not an elf,
it's a faggot,
quite like a maggot,
he pulls down my pants,
and my ass some plumming grants,
he sticks it in,
the ****ing has begin,
it's feeling so good,
i wished i suck it could,
then he spinned me around,
and took it out it was brown,
in my mouth he chucked it,
in my mouth it perfectly fit,
i then started to suck,
and deeper he it would chuck,
i enjoyed it a lot,
then he his cum shot,
over my face and ass,
and then he let out some gas,
he my ass licked clean,
and said that i'm a queen,
He cut me loose and left,
And then it just hit me there,
it was a virginity theft."
i'm bad at this, but what the heck, i'm bored. : D